Likely Severity (the typical harm level you would expect from the risk event - as opposed to a worst case scenario)
1 Minor scratches or bruises requiring no first aid 2 Minor injuries requiring simple first aid only (eg small cuts, strains or abrasions) 3 Minor injuries requiring a visit to a doctor or hospital (eg minor concussion, sprain) 4 Injuries requiring treatment with several visits to hospital (eg broken bone, whiplash) 5 Serious injuries requiring a stay in hospital of several days (eg badly broken bone or lacerations) 6 Serious injuries requiring a long period in hospital for full recovery (eg multiple injuries) 7 Serious injuries requiring more than a year for full recovery (eg serious internal injuries) 8 Permanent Disability, loss of mobility etc. (eg loss of limb, serious internal injury) 9 Permanent Disability requiring ongoing care. (eg loss of more than one limb, brain damage etc.) 10 Death
Likelihood (the likelihood of the incident occurring, taking into account any control measures that have been put in place to prevent the incident)
0 Impossible to occur 1 Very unlikely to occur 2 Unlikely 3 Very slight possibility 4 Slight possibility 5 Moderate possibility 6 Distinct possibility 7 Strong possibility 8 Likely to occur 9 Very likely to occur 10 Inevitable to occur
Risk Score = Likelihood x Severity
0 to 20 Low Risk 20 to 50 Moderate Risk over 50 High Risk