Precision Driving for Photography and Film
· extensive advanced handling experience
· understanding and integration of safety parameters and risk assessments for precision driving
· able to perform formal and dynamic risk assessment for complex and unfamiliar locations and activities
· able to perform continuing dynamic risk assessment throughout activities
· in depth knowledge of performance driving and vehicle handling
· ability to control the car precisely and accurately at all times in all weather and surface conditions
· ability to maintain the car in a drift, to actively control and apply understeer and oversteer, weight transfer and braking at all times
· precise judgement of the position of other vehicles
· knowledge of camera movements, angles, and requirements
· able to check camera rigs, mounts and fixings are safe
· able to drive with awareness of safety parameters with mounted camera rigs
· familiar with specialist modifications to vehicles to achieve special effects
· able to specify modifications to a vehicle to safely achieve special driving effects and work with technicians to implement and test
· able to establish and maintain clear and fully effective communication with other drivers and crew
· able to respond appropriately to tyre or component failure during a rehearsal or shot
· able to reliably choreograph and perform complex sequences of vehicle movements at the limits of handling
· able to rehearse and precisely repeat driving sequences
· able to work effectively and safely with special effects team
· able to control the car precisely and predictably in close proximity to other drivers
· disciplined and rigorous approach
· remain professional, calm and controlled at all times
· strong team player skills
· able to adapt calmly and effectively to unexpected events, vehicle failures or mistakes
· understanding and integration of safety parameters and risk assessments for precision driving
· able to perform formal and dynamic risk assessment for complex and unfamiliar locations and activities
· able to perform continuing dynamic risk assessment throughout activities
· in depth knowledge of performance driving and vehicle handling
· ability to control the car precisely and accurately at all times in all weather and surface conditions
· ability to maintain the car in a drift, to actively control and apply understeer and oversteer, weight transfer and braking at all times
· precise judgement of the position of other vehicles
· knowledge of camera movements, angles, and requirements
· able to check camera rigs, mounts and fixings are safe
· able to drive with awareness of safety parameters with mounted camera rigs
· familiar with specialist modifications to vehicles to achieve special effects
· able to specify modifications to a vehicle to safely achieve special driving effects and work with technicians to implement and test
· able to establish and maintain clear and fully effective communication with other drivers and crew
· able to respond appropriately to tyre or component failure during a rehearsal or shot
· able to reliably choreograph and perform complex sequences of vehicle movements at the limits of handling
· able to rehearse and precisely repeat driving sequences
· able to work effectively and safely with special effects team
· able to control the car precisely and predictably in close proximity to other drivers
· disciplined and rigorous approach
· remain professional, calm and controlled at all times
· strong team player skills
· able to adapt calmly and effectively to unexpected events, vehicle failures or mistakes