Codes of Practice
Specialist Driving Skills Professionals
The Codes of Practice for Specialist Driving Skills Professionals outlines principles for professional standards and ethics. Specialist Driving Skills Professionals, Coaches, Demonstrators and Trainers are expected to operate within the framework set out by the code.
You should ensure that:
You should ensure that:
As a Specialist Driving Skills Professional you should:
Complaints Procedures
If a client wishes to make a complaint against a driving venue or specialist driving skills professional, they should contact: The SDSA Registrar at the Specialist Driving Skills Agency.
The Codes of Practice for Specialist Driving Skills Professionals outlines principles for professional standards and ethics. Specialist Driving Skills Professionals, Coaches, Demonstrators and Trainers are expected to operate within the framework set out by the code.
You should ensure that:
- You know the operating procedures for any driving facility you work at
- You have completed and understood any induction training required for operating at the facility
- You understand and are familiar with the risk assessments and adhere to the control measures for any driving facility you work at
- You are aware of the emergency procedures and processes that apply to any facility you are working at
- When working in extreme environments, such as ice lakes or desert, you are familiar with the risk parameters, local conditions, techniques and emergency procedures necessary for working in that environment
- You are fully aware of the prevailing radio protocols
- You have been trained and approved on any technical equipment you will need to use at the facility
- Your client has been given a safety briefing before you begin driving activities
- Vehicles used are in good condition and have been safety checked
- Vehicles are appropriate for any exercises planned
- Exercises are adapted to the skill and experience of the client, the capabilities of the vehicle, and the prevailing conditions
- You adapt the activities to the needs and interests of your client
- Vehicles are equipped as required for the facility and exercises
- You ensure compliance with any control measures specified for the activity
- You continue to conduct dynamic risk assessment and adapt driving activities to changing conditions and the experience and skills of your client
- You ensure that driving skills are kept in an appropriate context
You should ensure that:
- Vehicles comply with any relevant legislation
- Vehicles used carry appropriate insurance
- You know the performance and technical specifications of any vehicle you work with
- You have familiarised yourself with the handling and performance characteristics of any vehicle(s) you work with
- Vehicles you use are kept clean and tidy
- You document and report any damage or incidents to the relevant person
As a Specialist Driving Skills Professional you should:
- Behave in a professional manner towards clients/participants
- Ensure a balanced assessment of experience value and risk
- Treat clients with respect and consideration
- Avoid showing off - use coaching skills to help your client develop themselves
- Be polite, punctual and presentable
- Avoid inappropriate physical contact with clients
- Support clients in gaining experience that benefits their skills and safety
- Treat information that clients share with you as confidential unless they have given consent for you to repeat it
- Behave in a way that adheres to appropriate legislation and is non-discriminatory
- Provide a positive and appropriate role model
- Always provide exemplary customer service
Ensure that: - Your clients are fully aware of the risks associated with the driving activities you will be carrying out and have signed a Risk Acknowledgement to state that they understand and accept these risks
- The whole of the driving experience time is dedicated to the participant’s experience, not to any other activity
- If a client is unhappy with the service provided, they should be made aware of the complaints procedures for both the facility or company, if any, you are working for, and for the SDSA
You should make sure that: - You are aware of any legislation applicable to the activities you will be carrying out.
- You understand your legal responsibilities to the person who engages you and to any person accompanying you for a driving activity.
- You understand your duty of care to yourself, to anyone in the car with you, and anyone outside the car during driving activities that you are carrying out or directing.
- You are aware of legislation and regulations relating to your activities. (For example, in the UK, that offences under sections 1, 2 or 3 of the 1988 Road Traffic Act, such as dangerous driving and careless and inconsiderate driving are capable of being committed on private land in public places that are not highways.)
- If you are operating on a site that is not closed to the public (eg a secure proving ground) limited solely to the employees of one specific employer, your activities are authorised as required. (For example, in the UK, under the Motor Vehicles (Off Road Events) Regulations 1992), or as required under the prevailing laws and regulations of the country you are working in.
- Where you are working in any place where the public has or could gain access, you ensure that relevant laws and regulations for driving in public places are adhered to during your activities.
Complaints Procedures
If a client wishes to make a complaint against a driving venue or specialist driving skills professional, they should contact: The SDSA Registrar at the Specialist Driving Skills Agency.